Mise-en-scene Blog tasks

 1) Find a distinctive still image and write an analysis of the mise-en-scene. Use each of the aspects you've learned in the lesson.

This still image takes place indoors with limited set dressing, which in turn highlights the bland environment they have found themselves in juxtaposing their blood soaked suits and fluorescent mugs. the use of said  mugs was to draw attention to them as the rest of the scene is avoid of colour. The actors are faced towards the camera the same expression on their faces and are holding their mugs both with their left hand. This highlights a natural bond between the two as their actions are in sync with one another,The costume choice being suits leads me to believe they're both within a government ranked position followed by being covered in blood evokes a sense of curiosity into me as someone who  has never seen pulp fiction it makes me wonder what has happened for them to be stained it also shows their uncaring nature towards that fact as there in a kitchen drinking coffee.

2) Find TWO film or TV extracts on YouTube from different genres (e.g. horror, sci-fi, costume drama). Embed them in your blog post and write a comparison of the mise-en-scene in each.

Within both scenes, Plants are used as set dressing one being ivy a symbol for fidelity (it won't easily let go of something it's attached itself to) and eternal life (because the plant is evergreen) and the other a Prayer plant a symbol for new beginnings, from this one could infer that the first clip was taken at the beginning of the show/movie whereas the 2nd clip is highlighting their willingness to survive. Props also play a huge roll into the way the scene is perceived with one character in both scenes holding props hat drastically shift the tones of the show, clip one the character furthest away from the shot is holding a pillow to his chest, a slight indicator of his fear whereas the character closest to the camera in the second shot is wielding what appears to be a shotgun and is looking to his left along with the other 4 they're wielding their prop out of strength and determination.The costumes of the characters easily singles out the age range for the clips selected, in the first clip the 4 characters appear to be wearing bright colours,overalls and are looking down, a sign of inferiority, in contrast the 4 in the second clip are wearing a combination of modest and revealing clothing indicating their maturity and are knelt down looking straight maybe trying to hide from something? this tells us that clip one is probably based on tween/young children whereas the second clip is aimed at older teenagers and young adults.



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